Newton, MA

Situated atop a ledge in the heart of Newton, MA, an early 1900s Georgian Revival home is gaining new life with a reimagined landscape. The renovation transforms the exterior spaces into terraces and gardens for play, relaxation, and entertainment.

The major outdoor spaces, such as the dining and pool terraces, reinforce axial relationships within the home, while intermediary spaces, such as the play lawn and outdoor kitchen, negotiate the significant grade change across the property.

Large format sandstone pavers with beige, tan, and gray tones compliment the varied red brick façade. Radial sandstone curbs at the front entry terrace, central lawn, and great lawn are backed by hedges of boxwood (Buxus spp.) or yew (Taxus baccata ‘Repandens’). Two ornamental tree lilacs frame a view to an intimate perennial garden, while sweeps of Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra), periwinkle (vinca minor), and lily turf (Liriope muscari) carpet transitional pathways.

Architect: RBA Architecture General Contractor: Wellen Construction Landscape Contractor: RP Marzilli

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